Multi-level vmemcache

Posted June 12, 2019         « Previous post     Next post »


vmemcache which we have recently described performs close to optimum when either all keys are approximately equally likely to be queried, or when all key:value pairs fit completely into the fastest form of memory you are willing to use. But, in many workloads, some keys are “hot” and queried over and over again, while the rest, “cold”, may comfortably reside on slower medium. This calls for multiple linked instances of vmemcache, each residing in a different tier.

When the set of “hot” vs “cold” keys is known beforehand, you can preload them into such vmemcache instances. However, if the cache is not static, technique from this post may be of use to you.


While vmemcache has been optimized for byte-addressable storage (DRAM or Intel® Optane™ DC Persistent Memory), it can also work on block-based media¹, no matter how it is accessed (NVDIMM-F, NVMe, SATA, network, IPoAC). This allows a mix of different kinds to be used by the same program. In particular, there’s no need to limit yourself to just two tiers, allowing setups such as:

DRAM → pmem → SSD → HDD → ...


The two callbacks offered by vmemcache can be used here: on_miss can first check in a colder tier and promote that entry, while on_evict may salvage the entry that would be deleted, saving it instead in the colder cache.

With such a setup, all operations from the rest of your program touch just the top level cache. They let the callbacks cascade misses down the cache tiers, and have old entries degrade on their own via vmemcache’s LRU eviction policy.

As the code needed to implement a multi-level cache is quite simple (such as the version below) and can be altered for your particular scheme, libvmemcache doesn’t currently provide a ready-to-use version. You can use something like:

static void
evict_demote(VMEMcache *cache, const void *key, size_t key_size, void *arg)
	VMEMcache *colder = (VMEMcache *)arg;

	size_t vsize;
	if (vmemcache_get(cache, key, key_size, NULL, 0, 0, &vsize))
	void *buf = malloc(vsize);
	if (!buf)
	if (vmemcache_get(cache, key, key_size, buf, vsize, 0, NULL) == vsize)
		vmemcache_put(colder, key, key_size, buf, vsize);

There’s no real opportunity to tune demotes — at least unless you have multiple sibling caches at a lower tier (multiple disks not combined in a RAID at operating system level, etc) or other complex setup.

static void
miss_promote(VMEMcache *cache, const void *key, size_t key_size, void *arg)
	VMEMcache *colder = (VMEMcache *)arg;

	size_t vsize;
	if (vmemcache_get(colder, key, key_size, NULL, 0, 0, &vsize))
	void *buf = malloc(vsize);
	if (!buf)
	if (vmemcache_get(colder, key, key_size, buf, vsize, 0, NULL) == vsize) {
		if (!vmemcache_put(cache, key, key_size, buf, vsize))
			vmemcache_evict(colder, key, key_size);

To the contrary, there are multiple decisions for promote-on-miss. First, you need to handle complete misses — when no tier of the cache has the data, it will be necessary to produce it. Alternatively, allow the failure, to have vmemcache return no data, possibly to have it filled back later.

Second, you need to decide whether to put the new item into the top or the bottom layer. Counterintuitively, for many key distributions, it is better to consider new data cold — a key that’s used once won’t evict any data that’s more useful. Only if that key proves its worth by getting queried again, it will be moved upwards. On the other hand, a cache with a better reuse-to-evict ratio will instead benefit from assuming that new data is hot.

To install the callbacks, you do:

	vmemcache_callback_on_evict(dram, evict_demote, pmem);
	vmemcache_callback_on_miss(dram, miss_promote, pmem);


Using a multi-level cache is not always a good idea. When the keys are about as likely to be queried, moving them around the cache tiers leads to thrashing that wastes time for no benefit. You may want to hold an arbitrary set of keys in one cache and others in the other, without evictions or migrations.

Moving data around also increases latency — this might be pointless for data which is going to be used just once.

Working code

A complete example, with more detailed comments and with some support code, can be found in libvmemcache repository, here.

[1]. It is strongly recommended to set the block size to 4096 bytes or a multiple, when using block-based media.

Posted by @kilobyte         « Previous post     Next post »