C++ persistent containers

Posted November 20, 2018         « Previous post     Next post »

PMEM containers

Our goal for the libpmemobj C++ bindings is to create a friendly and less error prone API for persistent memory programming. Even with persistent memory pool allocators, convenient interface for creating and managing transactions, auto-snapshotting class templates and smart persistent pointers, designing an application with persistent memory usage may still prove challenging without a plethora of niceties that the C++ programmers are used to.

The natural step forward to make persistent programming easier, is to provide programmers with efficient and useful containers.

STL containers

Code reuse is a common programming principle, and we took it to heart when sometime ago we experimented with persistent memory containers by introducing custom persistent allocator for libc++ STL containers. You can read more about this approach in this blog post. As it turns out, there are some hard to overcome obstacles with using existing STL containers. The two main downsides are:


We ultimately came to the conclusion that implementing containers with optimized on-media layouts and algorithms to fully exploit persistent memory potential should be one of our primary focuses. Their methods should guarantee atomicity, consistency and durability.

Beside specific internal implementation details, PMEM containers will have well-known STL-like interface and will work with STL algorithms. Since they will extend libpmemobj-cpp project, the goal is to implement them with usage of libpmemobj-cpp bindings and make them easily accessible with its interface.

Because of API similarities with STL, we are reusing ideas behind libc++ container tests and simply port them to our implementation and project.


C++ language restrictions and the persistent memory programming paradigm imply some serious restrictions on objects, which may be stored on persistent medium. This topic deserves a separate blog post and should cover questions about language-based undefined behavior, objects lifetime and compiler compatibility - just to name a few of them.

You can expect blog post about this in nearby future, but for now I will just list the most important ideas:

You can read more about template parameter type restrictions for pmem::obj::persistent_ptr<T> class in PMDK C++ bindings doxygen documentation.

Data structures

Implementing containers from scratch will be a long effort, hence our decision about specific containers types to be implemented and the order of their implementation is quite important.

We have already finished the first container - an array. It is included in pmem::obj::experimental namespace and you can read more about it in this blog post.

We have been working on implementation of vector for some time and the next scheduled containers are string, map and unordered_map. We might change this order, because we are considering an implementation of optimized vector, based on idea of std::colony container which will internally use pmem::obj::vector. This approach will reduce fragmentation factor, and gain performance benefits similar to those presented in C++ standard library proposal paper.


Persistent memory is an emerging technology, and as we mentioned in one of the previous blog posts, we truly believe that it will be paradigm shifting.

At this point, it is hard to predict specific use-cases for persistent memory containers. They can be used as persistent scratch pads, extension for in-memory databases or fast and flexible data storage. We also believe, that functional programming ideas can be used in implementation of persistent memory programming models.

We will continue our research efforts in area of purely functional persistent data structures, concepts of filters and further optimizations (like pmem::obj::slice idea, also described in blog post about array).

Posted by @szyrom         « Previous post     Next post »